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Understand What the EQ-i 2.0 Measures and How Low Scores Impact Your Life

Self-Perception Composite

Low scores in this composite might indicate that you:

  • May not be in touch with feelings
  • May lack inner strength and confidence
  • Emotions may elude or confuse them
  • May not understand emotional landscape
  • May not make good use of abilities


Respecting oneself while understanding and accepting one’s strengths and weaknesses. Often associated with feelings of inner strength and self-confidence.

With too little Self-Regard, you can feel unsure of yourself and lack self-confidence—being both unable to enjoy your strengths and overly critical of your weaknesses. For the most part, the people around you see that you are self-doubting, self-critical, lack self-esteem and confidence and are unhappy with or insecure about your contribution or abilities.


Willingness to persistently try to improve oneself and engage in the pursuit of personally relevant and meaningful objectives that lead to a rich and enjoyable life.

With low Self-Actualization, you may have an inability or unwillingness to strive for personal goals or to improve your own performance. A deficit of Self-Actualization may also reflect a tendency to ignore your intellectual and emotional skills, or to have no interest in their use or improvement, lack of enthusiasm for personal goalsetting and achievement. For the most part, the people around you do not associate ambition with you, and perceive you as underperforming, unmotivated, uninspired, unwilling to change or rise to the occasion.

Emotional Self-Awareness

Recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions. This includes differentiating between subtleties in one’s own emotions while understanding the cause of these emotions and the impact they have on the thoughts and actions of oneself and others.

With low Emotional Self-Awareness, you may have an inability or unwillingness to differentiate between your feelings and their logical sources. If you deny Emotional Self-Awareness, you spend too little time reflecting about yourself, having difficulty knowing or caring what you are feeling and why you are feeling that way. This means you might ignore your emotional needs, and motivations. You might feel surprised by others’ reactions and emotional states, or often misunderstood and misunderstanding others. Knowing your triggers and being in closer contact with your feelings would help you be more emotionally present and effective in all aspects of life.

Self-Expression Composite

Low scores in this composite might indicate that you:

  • Struggle to express your thoughts and feelings
  • May be emotionally dependent
  • May find it hard to describe how you feel
  • Your expression of emotion may not be constructive
  • May refrain from sharing your thoughts and beliefs

Emotional Expression

Openly expressing one’s feelings verbally and non-verbally.

With low Emotional Expression, you tend not to communicate or share your emotions. For the most part, the people around you do not associate openness, transparency, and authenticity. Too little emotional honesty limits the degree of connection, trust, and compassion that is possible between you and others.


Communicating feelings, beliefs and thoughts openly, and defending personal rights and values in a socially acceptable, non-offensive, and non-destructive manner.

With low Assertiveness, you tend to see yourself as either lacking anything important to contribute or unable to make your positions or contributions known. For the most part, the people around you do not know your thoughts and feelings about the people, things, and events going on around you. You might be easy to convince, sway, or take advantage of. You might have difficulty speaking up for yourself or your beliefs. Learning how to use your voice more often and consistently would help you be more successful and effective.


The tendency to be self-directed and free from emotional dependency on others. Decision-making, planning, and daily tasks are completed autonomously.

With low Independence, you have an inability or unwillingness to stand on your own and make your own decisions. A low score in Independence may also reflect a tendency towards being indecisive, clinging emotionally to others and relying on them to determine your emotional state and reactions. You might be easily swayed, having difficulty holding your own opinions and values in the face of disagreement or opposition. Learning how to go your own way and having your own opinion more often and consistently would help you be more successful and effective.

Interpersonal Composite

Low scores in this composite might indicate that you:

  • May lack appropriate social skills; are withdrawn
  • May struggle to understand or relate to others
  • May not see how your emotions affect others
  • Have relationships that may be of lower quality or depth
  • May not be sensitive to the feelings of others

Interpersonal Relationships

The skill of developing and maintaining mutually satisfying relationships that are characterized by trust and compassion.

With too little attention devoted to Interpersonal Relationships, you isolate and strip yourself of outlets to give or receive affection, trust, and human interaction. Overlooking or undervaluing Interpersonal Relationships can reflect a refusal or an inability to trust, connect, or relate to the people around you. Too little attention given to interpersonal bridge-building and relationship maintenance can be a serious problem. For the most part, the people around you do not associate warmth, intimacy, and interpersonal connectedness with you. They might perceive you as cold, hard to like or get to know. Many smart, experienced, and talented contributors have had careers derailed when people do not trust them.


Recognizing, understanding, and appreciating how other people feel. Involves being able to articulate your understanding of another’s perspective and behaving in a way that respects others’ feelings.

With too little Empathy, you have an inability or lack of curiosity about or attention paid to other people and their feelings, needs, and concerns. For the most part, the people around you do not associate open, curious sensitivity with you. You are likely regarded as uncompassionate and distant. Too little attention given to Empathy can be a serious problem, for it can cause the perception that you are selfish and insensitive.

Social Responsibility

Willingly contributing to society, to one’s social groups, and generally to the welfare of others. Involves acting responsibly, having social consciousness, and showing concern for the greater community.

With low Social Responsibility, you often see yourself as free of group expectations or the needs of others. Low scores on Social Responsibility may indicate a lack of ability or willingness to join, connect with, or relate to the group or community around you. For the most part, the people around you do not associate you with working for or caring about the greater needs of the group or community. Too little attention devoted to Social Responsibility presents the image that you are not a team player.

Decision Making Composite

  • Low scores in this composite might indicate that you:
  • May not use emotional information effectively
  • Emotions may hinder decision making
  • May fall victim to rash behaviors/decisions
  • May be derailed or biased by emotions

Problem Solving

The tendency to find solutions to problems in situations where emotions are involved and to understand how emotions impact decision making.

With low Problem Solving, you can get overwhelmed by emotions and stuck solving problems poorly or not at all. Too little Problem Solving may lead to feedback that you are: conflict-avoidant, emotionally ineffective when the topic or discussion becomes contentious, unpredictable or unreliable in difficult situations, ineffective at decision making. You might tend to bring indecision, delay, and worry to problems—often getting stuck trying to find a solution. You might have difficulty dealing with the human side of problems. Engaging conflict more often and consistently would help you be more successful and effective.

Reality Testing

The tendency to remain objective by seeing things as they really are. This involves recognizing when emotions or personal bias can cause one to be less objective.

With low Reality Testing, you are unable or unwilling to distinguish the reality of your situation from the fantasies you have created about it. Low scores in Reality Testing indicate a tendency toward emotional reasoning, which is what happens when you pay too much attention to your feelings instead of objective data and facts. For instance, you feel outraged; therefore, someone must have done something outrageous. You fear me; therefore, I must be scary. These are examples of emotional reasoning, where your beliefs are based on your emotions instead of any reality. Scoring low in this behavior indicates that your feelings tend to reinforce your personal narrative and views—blocking out new data (and sometimes, facts). People might perceive you as unrealistic, impractical, prone to exaggeration and an untrustworthy source of information.

Impulse Control

The tendency to resist or delay an impulse, drive or temptation to act and involves avoiding rash behaviors and decision making.

With low Impulse Control, you have a lack of ability to filter your reactions or delay your behavioral impulses. Low scores on Impulse Control indicate a lack of ability or willingness to hold back, to be quiet, or to resist the temptation to be seen or heard. Too little Impulse Control generally leads to feedback that you lack self-control, you monopolize conversations, perhaps short-fused and quick to anger. For the most part, the people around you do not associate restraint and thoughtful, tempered disclosures with you. Low Impulse Control can result in rash, impulsive communication, which is often viewed as insensitive and can be a serious career derailer.

Stress management Composite

Low scores in this composite might indicate that you:

  • Struggle when faced with stress or change
  • May often feel anxious or stressed
  • May be rooted in tradition; resistant to change
  • Pessimistic about the future
  • Less hopeful and resilient


Adapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors to unfamiliar, unpredictable, and dynamic circumstances or ideas.

With low Flexibility, you tend to have an inability or unwillingness to take in new data to change your mind or direction. You might be reluctant to take in new data or change your mind believing that you have all the data you need. This results in you appearing inflexible, resistant to change, and slow to start new projects or efforts. For the most part, the people around you do not associate curiosity, openness, and adaptability with you. Low Flexibility and its resulting resistance to change can be a serious problem—affecting your learning, personal relationships, and work-effectiveness.

Stress Tolerance

Coping with stressful or difficult situations and believing that one can manage or influence situations in a positive manner.

With low Stress Tolerance, you have an inadequate set of approaches to stressful situations or you lack confidence to deal with the problems life throws at you. You might often give in to fear, stress, and anxiety resulting in procrastination, or giving up too quickly or easily. For the most part, the people around you do not view you as calm and measured—especially not in tense situations. Learning how to use coping techniques more often and consistently would help you be more successful and effective


An indicator of one’s positive attitude and outlook on life. It involves remaining hopeful and resilient, despite occasional setbacks.

With low Optimism, you are pessimistic, fatalistic, and may be unhappy. For the most part, the people around you do not associate positivity with you. They perceive you to be prone to give up or give in too easily, self-defeating or unmotivated, weighed down with a sense of helplessness or hopelessness. Learning to be positive more often and consistently would help you be more successful and effective.

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Let today be the day! Let’s make this your year of self-mastery!

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CHF 497.- 

Includes a Comprehensive 21-page Report, Workbook, Full Debrief and Two Sessions on the Lowest Scores