Compassionate Candor Coaching
for Cancer Patients
As a cancer survivor, I know how a cancer diagnosis can disrupt all aspects of your life. You may feel overwhelmed by waves of difficult emotions—from fear and worry to profound sadness, despair, and grief—or just numb, in shock, feeling that you’ll never be able to cope. The emotional turmoil can make it difficult to think clearly and lead to anxiety and depression.
Whatever your diagnosis or emotional response, it’s important to know that you’re not powerless. There are steps you can take to better cope with your situation, ease the mental stress, and find a better way to navigate such a challenging journey.
In coaching, you are at the center of your care and are actively involved in the conversation the whole time. It’s about empowering you to utilize your own resources to help yourself and reconnecting with what is meaningful to you. This is possible regardless of where you are in your cancer journey, and often results in a powerful shift in how you face it. You will build the skills you need to take your life back in spite of cancer.
As a Cancer Coach, I will help you find your own answers and develop unique strategies that work for you. As someone who has experienced something similar, I’ll help you focus on the things that matter most to you, and improve your sense of control. You’ll come up with a plan on how to take charge of your well-being, and understand your strengths as you move towards your goals.

Why Choose me as your Cancer Coach?
Although it is not possible to take away your cancer diagnosis, I can help you take away some of your emotional and psychological stress and also support you to make decisions that promote your quality of life.
- You will be professionally supported, encouraged and guided throughout a Cancer Coaching Program by a colon cancer survivor who is an expert in providing personalized coaching services.
- Learn individual strategies to reduce the stress, anxiety and fears that can be associated with your current circumstances.
- Use of behavioral, cognitive and social psychological theories to help reduce the emotional and psychological effects of cancer.
- Completely tailored coaching plan to suit your personal needs.

Ready to create a breakthrough in your life?
Apply to talk to me for 15 mins for FREE to see if and how I can help you understand where you have strengths and gaps in the amount of clarity you have in your life right now.
The application button will take you to a questionnaire to help you sort out the issues you are experiencing. Should those 15 minutes prove fruitful to you, and we’re a good fit, I’d invite you for a full strategy session of 45 min to create a game plan to navigate your current challenge.
Having the MAP to get out of the woods might be just what you need. In life, we face uncertain situations where our performance really matters. Let’s create that map to lead you through the thicket of life to your highest levels of success.
Are you ready for the next chapter? Let’s put an “X” on that map today and get you clarity about who you are and where you want to go at this stage of your life.